
Welcome To Ofavourdatasub

Here at Ofavourdatasub, we offer you the most affordable and most cheapest data, airtime, Dstv, Gotv and Startimes subscription. Here is the right place for your Electricity subscription.

Why Is Ofavourdatasub Different

We are Automated

We use cutting-edge technology to run our services. Our delivery and wallet funding is automated, any service purchased will get delivered to you instantly.

We are Reliable

Our platform is a fully optimized platform for reliability and dependability. You get 100% value for any transaction you carry with us.

Customer Support

Our customer service is just a click away, don't hesitate to consult us on anything. All transactions are attended to within 5-15mins.



Ofavourdatasub is a web platform where users can purchase Mobile Data Bundles, VTU Airtime, Pay Electricity Bills, TV Subscription. We have designed our website to accommodate user needs. Providing users of our platform the opportunity to save cost, make fast, secured, efficient and rewarding purchases and bill payments.

Our internet/mobile data plans work with all devices including Android, Iphone, Computers, Modems e.t.c. Data can be rollover if you re-subscribe before expiry date of current plan.


We offer instant recharge of Airtime, Databundle, CableTV (DStv, GOtv & Startimes), Electricity Bill Payment.

Airtime TopUp

Making an online recharge has become very easy and safe on Ofavourdatasub.

Utility Payment

Because we understand your needs, we have made bills and utilities payment more convenient.

Cable Subscription

Instantly Activate Cable subscription with favourable discount compare to others.

Bulk SMS

Get your SMS in bulk at convenient rates, all you have to do is SIGN UP NOW!..

Buy Data

Start enjoying this very low rates Data plan for your internet browsing databundle.


Become An Agent

Join our network of outstanding entrepreneurs patnering with Ofavourdatasub. Bring the Ofavourdatasub 'easy-payments' experience closer to your network and earn a commission for every transaction you perform for your customers. . We offer our Referrers the best referral program incentives to encourage entrepreneurial and managerial skill acquisition; enhance growth and development and general empowerment among our students on campuses of higher learning and youths in diaspora. Finally, to promote technology via the use of ICT tools in our society.


We Provide Awesome Services

Certain things are hard 😓 but making payments shouldn't be one of them 😋💗. Ofavourdatasub helps you make payments for services you enjoy right from the comfort of your home or office. The experience of total convenience,fast service delivery and easy payment is just at your fingertips.

Integrate Our API

Are you a developer, Integrate our well-documented API that lets you earn from serving hundreds of thousands of customers.However huge or complex your imagination, you can build it with Ofavourdatasub's API.





Happy Users


Total Users


Years Of Experience


Affordable Plans And Prices

250.0MB ₦94 One Week (CB: *460*260#)
500.0MB ₦135 One Month (CB: *461*4#)
500.0MB ₦174 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
1.0GB ₦240 One Day (CB: *323*4#) Special
1.0GB ₦265 One Month (CB: *461*4#)
1.024GB ₦340 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
2.0GB ₦530 One Month (CB: *461*4#)
1.0GB ₦591 24 hrs (CB: *323#)
2.048GB ₦680 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
3.0GB ₦795 One Month (CB: *461*4#)
1.2GB ₦985 One Month (CB: *323#)
3.072GB ₦1020 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
1.5GB ₦1182 One Month (CB: *323#)
3.5GB ₦1300 Two Days (CB: *323*4#) Special
5.0GB ₦1325 One Month (C.B: *461*4#)
3.0GB ₦1576 One Month (CB: *323#)
5.12GB ₦1700 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
4.0GB ₦1970 One Month (CB: *323#)
10.0GB ₦2650 One Month (CB: *461*4#)
10.24GB ₦3400 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
10.0GB ₦3448 One Month (CB: *323#)
12.0GB ₦3940 One Month (CB: *323#)
15.36GB ₦5100 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
20.0GB ₦5418 One Month (CB: *323#)
15.0GB ₦6300 7 Days (CB: *323*4#) Special
20.48GB ₦6800 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
30.0GB ₦7880 Two Months (CB: *323#)
40.0GB ₦10835 One Month (CB: *323#)
40.96GB ₦13600 One Month (CB: *460*260#)
75.0GB ₦15760 One Month (CB: *323#)
120.0GB ₦21670 One Month (CB: *323#)
200.0GB ₦29550 One Month (CB: *323#)
400.0GB ₦49250 One Month (CB: *323#)
100.0MB ₦75 One Week (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
300.0MB ₦175 One Week (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
500.0MB ₦275 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
1.0GB ₦550 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
2.0GB ₦1100 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
5.0GB ₦2750 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
10.0GB ₦5500 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
15.0GB ₦8250 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
20.0GB ₦11000 One Month (CB: *323#- Edu Bal)
200.0MB ₦60 One Week (CB: *323#)
500.0MB ₦135 One Month (CB: *323#)
1.0GB ₦200 Daily (CB: *323#)
1.0GB ₦265 One Month (CB: *323#)
2.0GB ₦300 Daily (CB: *323#)
1.8GB ₦475 2 Weeks (800MB DAY +1GB NIGHT)
3.5GB ₦500 Two days (CB: *323#)
2.0GB ₦530 One Month (CB: *323#)
3.0GB ₦795 One Month (CB: *323#)
3.9GB ₦950 One Month (1.9 DAY +2GB NIGHT)
5.0GB ₦1325 One Month (CB: *323#)
7.5GB ₦1425 One Month (3.5GB +4gb Night)
9.2GB ₦1900 One Month (5.2GB +4gb Night)
15.0GB ₦2100 Seven days (CB: *323#)
10.8GB ₦2375 One Month (6.8GB +4gb Night)
10.0GB ₦2650 One Month (CB: *323#)
14.0GB ₦2850 One Month (10.GB +4gb Night)
18.0GB ₦3800 One Month (14GB +4gb Night)
24.0GB ₦4750 One Month (20GB +4gb Night)
29.5GB ₦7600 One Month (27.5GB +2gb Night)
50.0GB ₦9500 One Month (46.0GB +4gb Night)
93.0GB ₦14250 One Month (86.0GB +7gb Night)
119.0GB ₦17100 One Month (109 GB +10gb Night)
138.0GB ₦19000 One Month (126GB +12gb Night)
500.0MB ₦260 One Month (CB: *323#)
1.0GB ₦520 One Month (CB: *323#)
2.0GB ₦1040 One Month (CB: *323#)
3.0GB ₦1560 One Month (CB: *323#)
5.0GB ₦2600 One Month (CB: *323#)
10.0GB ₦5200 One Month (CB: *323#)


What Clients Say About us


Aaron Almaraz Student

These site is great... All thanks to Ofavourdatasub.I can really say that since I joined this site I have been earning more than before... Kudus To Ofavourdatasub Kudus to the developer.


Mary Eagleston UI/UX Designer

This is best platform when its come to affordable data plan for both end-user and resseller ,i recommend this platform it's fast, automated and secured


Pheebee Sobur Freelancer

I love the quick response to issues. We might just get along well. So far so good.


Lanre Madrigal Reseller

Amazing!...i recommend to all data resellers...kudos…

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